What Prevents JavaScript Primitives from Being Mutated?
Image by Brandolyn - hkhazo.biz.id

What Prevents JavaScript Primitives from Being Mutated?

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JavaScript is an incredibly powerful language, but it can also be quite tricky to work with. One of the most fundamental concepts in JavaScript is the concept of primitives and objects. Primitives are basic data types like numbers, strings, and booleans, while objects are collections of key-value pairs. But have you ever wondered what prevents JavaScript primitives from being mutated?

The Immutable Nature of Primitives

In JavaScript, primitives are immutable by design. This means that once a primitive value is created, it cannot be changed. For example, if you assign the value “hello” to a string variable, you cannot later change the value of that string to something else. This is because strings are primitives, and primitives are immutable.

let greeting = "hello";
greeting = "goodbye"; // This doesn't change the original string, it creates a new one
console.log(greeting); // Output: "goodbye"

As you can see, when we try to assign a new value to the `greeting` variable, it doesn’t change the original string. Instead, it creates a new string and assigns it to the variable. This is because strings are primitives, and primitives are immutable.

The Mutability of Objects

In contrast to primitives, objects are mutable by design. This means that once an object is created, its properties can be changed. For example, if you create an object with a property called `name`, you can later change the value of that property.

let person = { name: "John" };
person.name = "Jane";
console.log(person); // Output: { name: "Jane" }

As you can see, when we change the value of the `name` property, it actually changes the original object. This is because objects are mutable, and their properties can be changed.

Why Are Primitives Immutable?

So, why are primitives immutable in JavaScript? The answer lies in the way JavaScript is designed. JavaScript is a dynamically-typed language, which means that it doesn’t have explicit type definitions like other languages. Instead, JavaScript infers the type of a variable based on its value.

Because of this, JavaScript primitives are implemented as immutable values. This means that when you assign a primitive value to a variable, it creates a new copy of that value rather than referencing the original value. This ensures that primitives are always immutable, and it also makes it easier to implement certain features like garbage collection.

How Does This Impact Your Code?

So, how does the immutability of primitives impact your code? In practice, it means that you need to be careful when working with primitives. For example, if you have a function that takes a primitive value as an argument, you need to be careful not to mutate that value inside the function.

function doubleNumber(num) {
  num = num * 2; // This doesn't change the original value!
  return num;

let originalNumber = 5;
let doubledNumber = doubleNumber(originalNumber);
console.log(originalNumber); // Output: 5 (still the original value!)

In this example, the `doubleNumber` function takes a primitive value as an argument, but it doesn’t actually change the original value. Instead, it creates a new value and returns it. This is because primitives are immutable, and you can’t change their value inside a function.

Best Practices for Working with Primitives

So, what are the best practices for working with primitives in JavaScript? Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  • Avoid mutating primitives inside functions: As we saw earlier, primitives are immutable, so trying to mutate them inside a function can lead to unexpected behavior.
  • Use immutable data structures: When working with data structures like arrays or objects, use immutable data structures to ensure that your data is safe from mutation.
  • Create new values instead of mutating old ones: When you need to change a primitive value, create a new value instead of trying to mutate the old one. This ensures that you’re always working with a fresh, immutable value.


In conclusion, JavaScript primitives are immutable by design, and this has a significant impact on how you write code. By understanding the difference between primitives and objects, and by following best practices for working with primitives, you can write more robust, reliable, and maintainable code.

Remember, primitives are immutable, and objects are mutable. This fundamental concept is key to understanding how JavaScript works, and it can help you avoid common pitfalls and bugs in your code.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions about JavaScript primitives and immutability:

Question Answer
Are all JavaScript values immutable? No, only primitives are immutable. Objects are mutable, and their properties can be changed.
Why are primitives immutable in JavaScript? Primitives are immutable because JavaScript is a dynamically-typed language, and it infers the type of a variable based on its value. This makes it easier to implement certain features like garbage collection.
Can I mutate a primitive value inside a function? No, you can’t mutate a primitive value inside a function. Instead, you need to create a new value and return it.

We hope this article has helped you understand what prevents JavaScript primitives from being mutated. Remember to follow best practices for working with primitives, and to always keep in mind the difference between primitives and objects.

Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the scoop on what’s stopping JavaScript primitives from being mutated!

What is a JavaScript primitive, anyway?

In JavaScript, primitives are simple data types that aren’t objects. Think of them as the building blocks of more complex data structures. The six primitives in JavaScript are: undefined, null, boolean, number, string, and symbol. Since they’re not objects, they can’t be mutated directly.

Why can’t I change the value of a primitive?

JavaScript primitives are immutable, meaning their values can’t be altered once they’re created. This is a deliberate design choice to ensure data integrity and prevent unintended changes. When you try to assign a new value to a primitive, JavaScript creates a new primitive with the new value instead of modifying the original.

Are there any exceptions to the immutability rule?

Actually, yes! In older browsers, the `String` primitive wasn’t entirely immutable. You could use the `String.prototype` methods to modify the original string. However, this behavior was deemed a bug and fixed in modern JavaScript engines. Today, all JavaScript primitives are truly immutable, with no exceptions.

What about primitive wrappers – can I mutate those?

Primitive wrappers, like `String()`, `Number()`, and `Boolean()`, are objects that wrap around primitives. While you can’t mutate the underlying primitive, you can modify the wrapper object itself. However, be aware that modifying the wrapper doesn’t affect the original primitive value. Instead, it creates a new primitive with the updated value.

How do I work around the immutability of primitives?

When you need to update a primitive value, simply reassign the variable with the new value. For example, `let myString = ‘hello’; myString = ‘goodbye’;`. This creates a new primitive with the updated value and assigns it to the same variable. Easy peasy!