Empty vs. Undefined in Javascript: Unraveling the Mystery
Image by Brandolyn - hkhazo.biz.id

Empty vs. Undefined in Javascript: Unraveling the Mystery

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Are you tired of scratching your head over the nuances of Empty and Undefined in Javascript? Do you find yourself wondering what the difference is between these two seemingly similar concepts? Well, wonder no more! In this article, we’ll delve into the world of Empty and Undefined, exploring their definitions, examples, and use cases. By the end of this comprehensive guide, you’ll be a master of distinguishing between these two fundamental concepts in Javascript.

What is Empty in Javascript?

In Javascript, an Empty value is a variable that has been declared, but not assigned a value. Think of it as a container waiting to be filled. An Empty variable is not the same as a variable that has been assigned a null or undefined value. Instead, it’s a variable that exists, but lacks any meaningful content.

let emptyVariable;
console.log(emptyVariable); // Output: undefined

Note that when we log the Empty variable to the console, it returns undefined. This is because the variable has been declared, but not initialized with a value. It’s essential to understand that an Empty variable is not the same as an Undefined variable, which we’ll explore next.

What is Undefined in Javascript?

In Javascript, an Undefined value is a variable that has not been declared or has not been assigned a value. It’s like a mysterious stranger that has yet to reveal its identity. Unlike an Empty variable, an Undefined variable doesn’t exist in the scope of the program.

console.log(undecidedVariable); // Output: ReferenceError: undecidedVariable is not defined

In the example above, we try to log a variable that hasn’t been declared. This results in a ReferenceError, indicating that the variable is not defined. This is different from an Empty variable, which would simply return undefined when logged to the console.

Key Differences Between Empty and Undefined

To avoid confusion, let’s summarize the main differences between Empty and Undefined in Javascript:

Empty Undefined
Declaration Declared, but not assigned a value Not declared or assigned a value
Console Output undefined ReferenceError: variable is not defined
Existence Exists, but lacks content Does not exist in the scope

Use Cases for Empty and Undefined

Now that we’ve established the differences between Empty and Undefined, let’s explore some practical use cases for each:

Empty Use Cases

An Empty variable is often used when:

  • Initializing a variable before assigning a value
  • Creating a placeholder for future data
  • Declaring a variable that will be used later in the program
let scores = [];
// scores is an Empty array, waiting to be filled with data

scores.push(10, 20, 30);
console.log(scores); // Output: [10, 20, 30]

Undefined Use Cases

An Undefined variable is often encountered when:

  • Accessing a variable that hasn’t been declared
  • Trying to use a variable before it’s been initialized
  • Dealing with a variable that’s outside the scope
console.log(nonExistentVariable); // Output: ReferenceError: nonExistentVariable is not defined

Common Pitfalls and Best Practices

When working with Empty and Undefined variables, it’s essential to keep the following best practices in mind:

Avoid Confusion with Null

let_NullVariable = null;
console.log(nullVariable); // Output: null

Use the in Operator for Property Existence

The in operator is a handy tool for checking if a property exists in an object. It returns true if the property is present, even if it’s undefined.

let obj = { foo: undefined };
console.log("foo" in obj); // Output: true

Check for Undefined with the typeof Operator

The typeof operator is useful for determining the type of a variable. If a variable is undefined, typeof will return “undefined”.

let undecidedVariable;
console.log(typeof undecidedVariable); // Output: "undefined"


In conclusion, Empty and Undefined are two distinct concepts in Javascript that are often misconstrued. By understanding the differences between these two concepts, you’ll be better equipped to write more robust and efficient code. Remember, an Empty variable is declared but lacks content, while an Undefined variable doesn’t exist in the scope. By following the best practices outlined in this article, you’ll avoid common pitfalls and become a master of Empty and Undefined in Javascript.

Now, go forth and conquer the world of Javascript, armed with the knowledge of Empty vs. Undefined!

Frequently Asked Question

Are you puzzled by the difference between empty and undefined in JavaScript? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

What is the difference between empty and undefined in JavaScript?

In JavaScript, empty refers to a variable or an array that has been initialized but has no value or length, such as an empty string (“”) or an empty array ([]). On the other hand, undefined refers to a variable that has not been initialized or declared, or a property that does not exist in an object.

Can you provide an example to illustrate the difference?

Let’s say we have two variables: `var emptyVar = “”`; and `var undefVar;`. The first one, `emptyVar`, is empty because it has been initialized with an empty string. The second one, `undefVar`, is undefined because it has not been initialized with any value.

How can I check if a variable is empty or undefined in JavaScript?

You can use the following methods to check if a variable is empty or undefined: for empty, use `if ( variable === “” )`, and for undefined, use `if ( typeof variable === “undefined” )`. Alternatively, you can use the `isNullorUndefined` function to check for both cases.

What happens if I try to access an empty or undefined property in an object?

If you try to access an empty property in an object, it will return an empty string. However, if you try to access an undefined property, it will return `undefined` and may cause errors in your code.

Can I use the `===` operator to compare empty and undefined values?

Yes, you can use the `===` operator to compare empty and undefined values. However, keep in mind that `undefined === null` returns `false`, so be careful when using this operator for comparisons.