Conquering the 2GB Limit: Uploading Large Images to JFrog with External Databases
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Conquering the 2GB Limit: Uploading Large Images to JFrog with External Databases

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Are you tired of hitting the 2GB limit when uploading images to JFrog? Do you find yourself stuck, wondering how to overcome this obstacle? Fear not, dear developer, for we have the solution you’ve been searching for! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the step-by-step process of uploading images larger than 2GB to JFrog using an external database.

Understanding the 2GB Limitation

By default, JFrog imposes a 2GB limit on uploaded files, including images. This restriction is in place to prevent excessive memory usage and ensure optimal performance. However, this limitation can be a major hurdle for developers working with large images or datasets. But don’t worry, we’ll show you how to bypass this limitation using an external database.


Before we dive into the process, make sure you have the following requirements in place:

  • A JFrog instance with an external database configured (e.g., PostgreSQL, MySQL, or Oracle)
  • A user account with sufficient permissions to upload and manage artifacts
  • A computer with a compatible operating system (Windows, macOS, or Linux)
  • A reliable internet connection

Preparing Your External Database

To upload large images to JFrog using an external database, you’ll need to create a new table to store the image metadata. Here’s an example using PostgreSQL:

CREATE TABLE large_images (
  image_name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
  image_size INTEGER NOT NULL,
  image_data BYTEA NOT NULL

This table will store the image name, size, and data. The `image_data` column is of type `BYTEA`, which allows storing large binary data.

Configuring JFrog to Use the External Database

To enable JFrog to use the external database, you’ll need to update the `jfrog.config` file. Add the following configuration:

type = postgresql
url = jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/mydatabase
username = myuser
password = mypassword

Replace the placeholders with your actual database credentials and connection details.

Uploading Large Images to JFrog using the External Database

Now that your external database is set up and configured, it’s time to upload your large image to JFrog. You can use the JFrog REST API or the JFrog CLI to achieve this.

Using the JFrog REST API

Make a POST request to the `/artifactory/api/upload` endpoint, providing the image metadata and data in the request body:

curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
        "uri": "large-images/myimage.jpg",
        "properties": {
          "image-name": "myimage.jpg",
          "image-size": 3000000
        "data": "<Base64 encoded image data>"

In this example, we’re uploading an image named `myimage.jpg` with a size of 3MB (3000000 bytes). The `data` property contains the Base64 encoded image data.

Using the JFrog CLI

Alternatively, you can use the JFrog CLI to upload the large image:

jfrog rt u large-images/myimage.jpg --props=image-name=myimage.jpg,image-size=3000000 --data=<Base64 encoded image data>

Replace `` with the actual Base64 encoded image data.

Verifying the Upload

After uploading the image, verify that it’s stored correctly in your external database by querying the `large_images` table:

SELECT * FROM large_images WHERE image_name = 'myimage.jpg';

This should return the uploaded image metadata, including the size and data.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Encountering issues during the upload process? Check out these common troubleshooting tips:

  • java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Ensure that your JFrog instance has sufficient memory allocated. You can increase the heap size by updating the `jfrog.config` file.
  • Database connection refused: Verify that your database connection details are correct, and the database server is running.
  • Image data corrupted: Check that the Base64 encoded image data is correct and not truncated during transmission.


Uploading large images to JFrog using an external database is a straightforward process once you understand the steps involved. By following this guide, you’ve successfully overcome the 2GB limitation and can now manage large images with ease. Remember to troubleshoot any issues that arise and optimize your JFrog instance for optimal performance.

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How do upload images to Jfrog 5
with layers larger than 2GB 3
when using an external database 4

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Frequently Asked Question

Uploading large images to JFrog Artifactory can be a challenge, especially when using an external database. Here are some answers to common questions about how to overcome this hurdle.

Can I upload images larger than 2GB to JFrog using an external database?

Yes, you can upload images larger than 2GB to JFrog Artifactory using an external database. However, you’ll need to configure your Artifactory instance to support large files. You can do this by setting the artifactory.file.maxSizeMb property in the file to a value greater than 2048 (which is the default max file size in MB).

What if I’m using a cloud-based external database, like Amazon S3?

If you’re using a cloud-based external database like Amazon S3, you’ll need to ensure that your S3 bucket is configured to support large files as well. You can do this by adjusting the S3 bucket’s max_upload_size property to a value greater than 2GB. Additionally, make sure your Artifactory instance is properly configured to use your S3 bucket as the external database.

How do I handle chunked uploads for large images in JFrog?

To handle chunked uploads for large images in JFrog, you can use the Artifactory REST API to upload the file in chunks. This approach allows you to upload large files in smaller, more manageable chunks, which can then be reassembled on the server-side. You can use tools like cURL or a programming language like Java or Python to implement chunked uploads.

Are there any performance considerations when uploading large images to JFrog?

Yes, uploading large images to JFrog can have performance implications, especially if you’re using an external database. To minimize performance issues, make sure your Artifactory instance and external database are properly configured to handle large files, and consider implementing techniques like data streaming or parallel uploads to reduce the load on your system.

Can I use a reverse proxy to optimize large image uploads to JFrog?

Yes, you can use a reverse proxy to optimize large image uploads to JFrog. A reverse proxy can help reduce the load on your Artifactory instance and improve upload performance by caching and buffering large file uploads.Popular reverse proxy options include NGINX, Apache HTTP Server, and HAProxy.

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