Unraveling the Mystery of React Hook Form’s Dirty State: A Step-by-Step Guide to Handling Field Arrays
Image by Brandolyn - hkhazo.biz.id

Unraveling the Mystery of React Hook Form’s Dirty State: A Step-by-Step Guide to Handling Field Arrays

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If you’ve ever found yourself wrestling with React Hook Form’s dirty state not updating properly when using field arrays, you’re not alone. This common conundrum has left many developers scratching their heads, wondering why their form’s dirty state refuses to update as expected. Fear not, dear reader, for today we’ll embark on a journey to demystify this issue and provide a clear, step-by-step guide on how to handle field arrays with ease.

What is React Hook Form?

Before diving into the solution, let’s quickly cover the basics. React Hook Form is a popular library for managing forms in React applications. It provides an easy-to-use API for handling form validation, submission, and state management. By leveraging React Hooks, React Hook Form simplifies the process of creating and managing forms, making it a go-to choice for many React developers.

The Problem: Dirty State Not Updating with Field Arrays

Now, let’s discuss the issue at hand. When using field arrays with React Hook Form, you might encounter a problem where the dirty state doesn’t update correctly. This can manifest in various ways, such as:

  • The dirty state remains false even after modifying a field array.
  • The dirty state updates incorrectly, resulting in unexpected behavior.
  • The form’s dirty state doesn’t reflect changes made to the field array.

This issue often arises due to a misunderstanding of how React Hook Form handles field arrays and dirty state updates. But fear not, we’ll explore the solution in detail.

Understanding Field Arrays in React Hook Form

Field arrays are a powerful feature in React Hook Form that allow you to manage dynamic arrays of fields. They’re particularly useful when dealing with repeatable form elements, such as a list of addresses or a collection of skills. To create a field array, you simply need to define an array of field objects within your form’s schema.

const schema = {
  addresses: [
      type: 'string',
      title: 'Address 1'
      type: 'string',
      title: 'Address 2'

The Key to Updating Dirty State: Understanding `shouldUnregister`

The secret to resolving the dirty state issue lies in understanding the `shouldUnregister` option. This often-overlooked prop determines whether a field should be unregistered from the form’s state when its value changes. By default, `shouldUnregister` is set to `true`, which means that when a field’s value changes, React Hook Form will unregister the field from the state.

In the context of field arrays, this default behavior can lead to issues with dirty state updates. When `shouldUnregister` is `true`, React Hook Form will unregister the entire field array when a single field within the array changes. This can cause the dirty state to remain false, even though the form has changed.

The Solution: Setting `shouldUnregister` to `false`

To resolve the dirty state issue, you need to set `shouldUnregister` to `false` for the field array. This tells React Hook Form to keep the entire field array registered, even when individual fields within the array change.

const schema = {
  addresses: {
    type: 'array',
    shouldUnregister: false,
    fields: [
        type: 'string',
        title: 'Address 1'
        type: 'string',
        title: 'Address 2'

By setting `shouldUnregister` to `false`, you ensure that the entire field array remains registered, allowing React Hook Form to correctly update the dirty state when individual fields within the array change.

Additional Tips for Handling Field Arrays

While setting `shouldUnregister` to `false` is the primary solution, here are some additional tips to keep in mind when working with field arrays:

  • Use `name` instead of `title` for field arrays: When defining a field array, use the `name` prop instead of `title`. This ensures that React Hook Form can correctly identify and register the fields within the array.
  • Nest field arrays correctly: When nesting field arrays, ensure that you’re defining the correct structure. This can help prevent issues with dirty state updates and form registration.
  • Use `getValues` for accessing field array values: When accessing the values of a field array, use the `getValues` method provided by React Hook Form. This ensures that you’re getting the correct values, even when the field array is deeply nested.


In conclusion, handling field arrays in React Hook Form requires a solid understanding of how the library manages state and dirty state updates. By setting `shouldUnregister` to `false` and following the additional tips outlined above, you can ensure that your form’s dirty state updates correctly, even when working with complex field arrays.

Remember, React Hook Form is a powerful tool, but it requires careful configuration to achieve the desired results. By taking the time to understand how the library works, you can unlock its full potential and create robust, reliable forms that delight your users.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why does my field array not update correctly when I modify a single field?

A: This is likely due to the default `shouldUnregister` behavior. Try setting `shouldUnregister` to `false` for the field array to resolve the issue.

Q: How do I access the values of a field array in React Hook Form?

A: Use the `getValues` method provided by React Hook Form to access the values of a field array. This ensures that you’re getting the correct values, even when the field array is deeply nested.

Q: Can I use `shouldUnregister` with other field types, not just field arrays?

A: Yes, `shouldUnregister` can be used with other field types, such as objects or individual fields. However, it’s primarily useful when working with field arrays, where the default behavior can lead to issues with dirty state updates.

Property Description
`shouldUnregister` Determines whether a field should be unregistered from the form’s state when its value changes.
`name` The unique identifier for a field or field array.
`getValues` A method provided by React Hook Form for accessing the values of a field or field array.

With this comprehensive guide, you’re now equipped to handle field arrays in React Hook Form with confidence. Remember to set `shouldUnregister` to `false` and follow the additional tips outlined above to ensure that your form’s dirty state updates correctly. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Questions

Get the lowdown on React Hook Form’s dirty state not updating properly with field array – we’ve got the answers!

Q1: Why isn’t my dirty state updating when I add or remove fields in a Field Array?

This is likely because the `useFieldArray` hook doesn’t automatically track changes to the array. You need to manually update the dirty state by calling `setDirty(true)` whenever the array changes. You can do this by adding an effect that listens to the array’s changes and updates the dirty state accordingly.

Q2: How do I ensure that the dirty state is updated correctly when I dynamically add or remove fields in a Field Array?

To ensure the dirty state is updated correctly, you should call `setDirty(true)` after adding or removing fields from the array. This will trigger the form to re-validate and update the dirty state. You can also use the `shouldDirty` option with the `useFieldArray` hook to specify when the dirty state should be updated.

Q3: I’m using `useFieldArray` with a nested object, and the dirty state isn’t updating correctly. What’s going on?

When using `useFieldArray` with a nested object, you need to make sure you’re updating the correct part of the state. When you add or remove fields, you need to update the entire nested object, not just the array itself. This will ensure that the dirty state is updated correctly.

Q4: Can I use `useForm` instead of `useFieldArray` to manage my Field Array and avoid dirty state issues?

While `useForm` can be used to manage a Field Array, it’s not recommended as it can lead to performance issues and increased complexity. `useFieldArray` is specifically designed to handle arrays and provides more efficient and optimized management of the array state. Stick with `useFieldArray` and follow the best practices for updating the dirty state.

Q5: Are there any other common pitfalls to watch out for when using React Hook Form with Field Arrays and dirty state?

Yes! Make sure to also watch out for issues like not properly updating the field values, not using the correct syntax for nested objects, and not handling errors correctly. Additionally, ensure you’re following the official documentation and staying up-to-date with the latest version of React Hook Form. Happy coding!

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