The Frustrating Issue with Django API Authentication Using Azure AD and Postman: A Step-by-Step Guide to Resolution
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The Frustrating Issue with Django API Authentication Using Azure AD and Postman: A Step-by-Step Guide to Resolution

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Are you tired of banging your head against the wall, trying to figure out why your Django API authentication using Azure AD and Postman isn’t working as expected? You’re not alone! In this article, we’ll dive into the common issues that arise when integrating Azure AD with Django API and Postman, and provide a clear, step-by-step guide to help you resolve them.

Understanding the Architecture

Before we dive into the issues and their solutions, it’s essential to understand the architecture of the system we’re working with.

In this scenario, we have:

  • Django API: A Python-based web framework that provides a robust and scalable way to build web applications.
  • Azure AD: A cloud-based identity and access management solution that provides secure authentication and authorization for applications.
  • Postman: A popular API testing tool that allows developers to send, receive, and analyze API requests.

The goal is to use Azure AD to authenticate users and authorize access to our Django API, and then use Postman to test the API endpoints.

The Issue: 401 Unauthorized Errors

One of the most common issues that arise when integrating Azure AD with Django API and Postman is the dreaded 401 Unauthorized error. This error occurs when the API request is sent without proper authentication credentials or when the authentication credentials are invalid.

To resolve this issue, we need to ensure that we’re sending the correct authentication credentials in our API request.

Step 1: Register Azure AD Application

The first step is to register an Azure AD application and obtain a client ID and client secret. These values will be used to authenticate with Azure AD.

To register an Azure AD application, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Azure portal and navigate to Azure Active Directory.
  2. Click on “App registrations” and then click on “New application.”
  3. Enter a name for your application and select “Web” as the platform.
  4. Enter the redirect URI for your application (e.g., http://localhost:8000/login/redirect).
  5. Click on “Register” to create the application.
  6. Go to the “Certificates & secrets” section and click on “New client secret.”
  7. Enter a description for the client secret and click on “Add.”
  8. Copy the client ID and client secret values, as we’ll need them later.

Step 2: Configure Django API with Azure AD

The next step is to configure our Django API to use Azure AD for authentication.

We’ll use the azure-identity and azure-auth libraries to authenticate with Azure AD.

FIRST, install the required libraries using pip:

pip install azure-identity azure-auth

Then, add the following code to your Django project’s file:

import os
from azure.identity import DefaultAzureCredential
from azure.auth import Authentication

# Azure AD settings
AZURE_TENANT_ID = 'your_tenant_id'
AZURE_CLIENT_ID = 'your_client_id'
AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET = 'your_client_secret'

# Authenticate with Azure AD
credential = DefaultAzureCredential()
auth = Authentication(credential)

# Set up Azure AD authentication
AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = ['azure_auth.auth.AzureADAuth']

Step 3: Use Postman to Test API Endpoints

Now that we’ve configured our Django API to use Azure AD for authentication, let’s use Postman to test our API endpoints.

To authenticate with Azure AD using Postman, follow these steps:

  1. Open Postman and create a new request.
  2. Select “GET” as the request method and enter the URL of your API endpoint.
  3. In the “Authorization” tab, select “OAuth 2.0” as the authentication type.
  4. Enter the Azure AD tenant ID, client ID, and client secret values obtained earlier.
  5. Click on “Get New Access Token” to obtain an access token.
  6. Copy the access token and paste it in the “Authorization” header.
  7. Send the request and verify that the API endpoint returns the expected response.

The Issue: Redirect URI Mismatch

Another common issue that arises when integrating Azure AD with Django API and Postman is the redirect URI mismatch error. This error occurs when the redirect URI specified in the Azure AD application registration does not match the redirect URI used in the API request.

To resolve this issue, we need to ensure that the redirect URI specified in the Azure AD application registration matches the redirect URI used in the API request.


To resolve the redirect URI mismatch error, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Azure portal and navigate to Azure Active Directory.
  2. Click on “App registrations” and select the application registered earlier.
  3. Go to the “Authentication” section and click on “Add a platform.”
  4. Enter the redirect URI used in the API request (e.g., http://localhost:8000/login/redirect).
  5. Click on “Configure” to save the changes.
  6. Update the API request to use the correct redirect URI.

The Issue: Insufficient Permissions

Another issue that arises when integrating Azure AD with Django API and Postman is the insufficient permissions error. This error occurs when the authenticated user does not have sufficient permissions to access the API endpoint.

To resolve this issue, we need to ensure that the authenticated user has sufficient permissions to access the API endpoint.


To resolve the insufficient permissions error, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Azure portal and navigate to Azure Active Directory.
  2. Click on “App registrations” and select the application registered earlier.
  3. Go to the “API permissions” section and click on “Add a permission.”
  4. Search for the API endpoint and select the required permissions.
  5. Click on “Add permission” to save the changes.
  6. Update the API request to include the required permissions.


In this article, we’ve covered the common issues that arise when integrating Azure AD with Django API and Postman, and provided a clear, step-by-step guide to resolve them. By following these instructions, you should be able to authenticate with Azure AD using Postman and access your Django API endpoints.

Remember to:

  • Register an Azure AD application and obtain a client ID and client secret.
  • Configure your Django API to use Azure AD for authentication.
  • Use Postman to test your API endpoints with Azure AD authentication.
  • Ensure that the redirect URI specified in the Azure AD application registration matches the redirect URI used in the API request.
  • Ensure that the authenticated user has sufficient permissions to access the API endpoint.

By following these best practices, you’ll be able to integrate Azure AD with your Django API and Postman, and provide secure authentication and authorization for your application.

Issue Solution
401 Unauthorized Errors Ensure that the correct authentication credentials are sent in the API request.
Redirect URI Mismatch Ensure that the redirect URI specified in the Azure AD application registration matches the redirect URI used in the API request.
Insufficient Permissions Ensure that the authenticated user has sufficient permissions to access the API endpoint.

We hope this article has been helpful in resolving the issues you’re facing with Django API authentication using Azure AD and Postman. If you have any further questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to the most common issues with Django API authentication using Azure AD and Postman.

Why am I getting a “401 Unauthorized” error when trying to authenticate with Azure AD in Django API?

This error usually occurs when the client ID, tenant ID, or client secret is incorrect. Double-check your Azure AD application settings and ensure that the credentials are correct. Also, make sure you have granted the necessary permissions to the Azure AD application.

How do I configure Postman to use Azure AD authentication with my Django API?

In Postman, go to the “Authorization” tab and select “OAuth 2.0” as the authentication type. Enter the Azure AD authorization URL, client ID, client secret, and resource URL. Then, click “Get New Access Token” to generate an access token. Use this token in the “Authorization” header of your API requests.

What is the difference between the “Azure AD” and “Azure AD B2C” authentication flows in Django API?

Azure AD is used for enterprise-level authentication, whereas Azure AD B2C is used for consumer-facing applications. Azure AD B2C provides more flexibility in terms of user flow and policy customization. Choose the correct flow based on your application’s requirements.

How do I handle token refresh and expiration in my Django API using Azure AD authentication?

Implement token refresh logic in your API to handle token expiration. Use the Azure AD token endpoint to request a new access token when the current token is close to expiring. You can also use libraries like `requests-oauthlib` to handle token refresh automatically.

Can I use Azure AD groups to manage permissions and access control in my Django API?

Yes, Azure AD groups can be used to manage permissions and access control in your Django API. Assign users to groups in Azure AD and then use the Azure AD graph API to retrieve group membership and make authorization decisions based on group membership.

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