Conquering the Frustrating “Unable to Start Appium Session” Error
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Conquering the Frustrating “Unable to Start Appium Session” Error

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Are you tired of encountering the infamous “Unable to start Appium session” error? Do you feel like you’ve tried every solution under the sun, only to be left staring at the same frustrating message? Fear not, dear reader, for you’re not alone! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the most common causes of this error and provide you with clear, step-by-step instructions to get your Appium sessions up and running smoothly.

Understanding Appium and the Session Creation Process

  1. Session Creation Request: Your test code sends a request to the Appium server to create a new session.
  2. Session Creation: The Appium server receives the request and initiates the session creation process.
  3. Capability Matching: The Appium server matches the desired capabilities (e.g., platform, browser, device) with available devices or emulators.
  4. Device Allocation: The Appium server allocates a device or emulator that matches the desired capabilities.
  5. Session Startup: The Appium server starts the allocated device or emulator and prepares it for automation.
  6. Session Ready: The Appium server notifies your test code that the session is ready, and you can begin executing your tests.

Common Causes of the “Unable to Start Appium Session” Error

1. Incorrect or Incomplete Capabilities

  • Incorrect platform name (e.g., “Android” instead of “android”)
  • Missing or incorrect device name
  • Incomplete or invalid browser version
  • Incorrect automation name (e.g., “UiAutomator2” instead of “uiautomator2”)

2. Device or Emulator Issues

  • Device not connected or recognized by the system
  • Emulator not running or crashed
  • Device or emulator not configured correctly

3. Appium Server Configuration Issues

  • Incorrect Appium server version
  • Missing or incorrect dependencies
  • Incorrect server arguments or flags

4. System Resource Constraints

Troubleshooting the “Unable to Start Appium Session” Error

Step 1: Verify Your Capabilities

DesiredCapabilities capabilities = new DesiredCapabilities();
capabilities.setCapability("platformName", "android");
capabilities.setCapability("deviceName", "Samsung Galaxy S10");
capabilities.setCapability("browserName", "Chrome");
capabilities.setCapability("version", "75.0.3770.143");

Step 2: Check Device or Emulator Status

adb devices // Check Android device status
emulator -list-avds // Check Android emulator status
xcrun simctl list // Check iOS simulator status

Step 3: Verify Appium Server Configuration

appium --version // Check Appium server version
appium --help // Check available server arguments

Step 4: Check System Resource Constraints

top // Check system resource usage on Linux/macOS
Task Manager // Check system resource usage on Windows

Step 5: Check Appium Server Logs

appium --log-level debug // Enable debug logging
appium -log /path/to/log/file.log // Specify log file location

Common Solutions and Workarounds

Solution 1: Update Appium Server Version

npm install -g appium@latest // Update Appium server version using npm

Solution 2: Use a Different Device or Emulator

capabilities.setCapability("deviceName", "iPhone 12"); // Switch to a different device

Solution 3: Increase System Resources

// Increase Java heap size for Appium server
appium --relaxed-security --JvmArgs '-Xmx1024m'

Solution 4: Disable Animations and Performance Mode

adb shell settings put global window_animation_scale 0.0 // Disable animations on Android


If you’re still stuck, don’t hesitate to reach out to the Appium community or seek help from a fellow automation enthusiast. Happy automating!

Error Code Error Message Solution
100 Unable to start Appium session Check capabilities, device/emulator status, and Appium server configuration
101 Device not found Check device connection and status
102 Emulator not running Check emulator status and restart if necessary


Q: What is the most common cause of the “Unable to start Appium session” error?

A: The most common cause is incorrect or incomplete capabilities in your test code.

Frequently Asked Question

Having trouble starting an Appium session? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Check out these frequently asked questions to get back on track.

Why does Appium throw an “Unable to start session” error?

This error usually occurs when Appium is unable to create a new session due to incorrect configuration or environmental issues. Make sure to check your Appium server and client versions, as well as the capabilities and desired capabilities you’re using.

What are some common causes of “Unable to start session” in Appium?

Some common causes include incorrect platformName or platformVersion, missing or incorrect app package and activity names, insufficient device memory or storage, and conflicts with other testing frameworks.

How do I troubleshoot an “Unable to start session” error in Appium?

Start by checking the Appium server logs for any error messages or clues. Then, review your test script and capabilities for any mistakes. You can also try restarting the Appium server, updating your Appium version, or switching to a different device or emulator.

Can I use Appium with a virtual device or emulator?

Yes, you can use Appium with a virtual device or emulator. In fact, this is a great way to test your app without needing a physical device. Just make sure to configure your emulator correctly and provide the correct capabilities in your test script.

What are some best practices to avoid “Unable to start session” errors in Appium?

Some best practices include using the latest Appium version, providing unique and descriptive test names, using proper capabilities and desired capabilities, and implementing retry mechanisms to handle occasional failures.

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