Does useFormState/useActionState React Hook Handle Multiple Requests Gracefully like TanStack React-Query?
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Does useFormState/useActionState React Hook Handle Multiple Requests Gracefully like TanStack React-Query?

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When it comes to managing state and handling requests in React applications, there are several popular libraries and hooks that developers can utilize. Two prominent ones are `useFormState`/`useActionState` and TanStack React-Query. While both are designed to simplify state management and request handling, they have different approaches and philosophies. In this article, we’ll dive into the details of whether `useFormState`/`useActionState` can handle multiple requests gracefully, just like TanStack React-Query.

What is useFormState/useActionState?

`useFormState` and `useActionState` are two React hooks that are part of the `react-restore` library. They are designed to help manage global state and handle actions (requests) in a predictable and debuggable way. `useFormState` is specifically meant for managing form state, while `useActionState` is more geared towards handling actions that involve API requests.

Key Features of useFormState/useActionState

  • Simple and lightweight: The `react-restore` library is relatively small, which makes it easy to integrate and use.
  • Global state management: Both hooks provide a way to manage global state in a centralized manner.
  • Action handling: `useActionState` is designed to handle actions that involve API requests, making it easy to manage loading states, errors, and data.
  • Debuggable: The library provides a built-in debugger that allows developers to inspect and debug their application’s state and actions.

What is TanStack React-Query?

TanStack React-Query is a popular library for managing data fetching and caching in React applications. It provides a set of hooks and APIs that enable developers to handle data fetching, caching, and invalidation in a robust and efficient manner.

Key Features of TanStack React-Query

  • Data fetching and caching: React-Query provides a robust data fetching and caching system that reduces the number of requests to the server.
  • Automatic caching: The library automatically caches data based on the request key, reducing the need for manual caching.
  • Data invalidation: React-Query provides a way to invalidate cached data when the underlying data changes.
  • Retrying: The library provides a built-in retry mechanism for failed requests.

Handling Multiple Requests with useFormState/useActionState

When it comes to handling multiple requests with `useFormState`/`useActionState`, things can get a bit tricky. By design, these hooks are meant to handle a single request at a time. If you need to handle multiple requests concurrently, you’ll need to use multiple instances of the hooks.

Here’s an example of how you might handle multiple requests using `useActionState`:

import { useActionState } from 'react-restore';

function MyComponent() {
  const { request: request1, data: data1, error: error1 } = useActionState('request1');
  const { request: request2, data: data2, error: error2 } = useActionState('request2');

  return (
{data1 &&

Data 1: {data1}

} {data2 &&

Data 2: {data2}

} {error1 &&

Error 1: {error1.message}

} {error2 &&

Error 2: {error2.message}

); }

As you can see, we’re using two separate instances of `useActionState` to handle two different requests. This approach can become cumbersome when dealing with multiple requests.

Handling Multiple Requests with TanStack React-Query

TanStack React-Query, on the other hand, is designed to handle multiple requests gracefully. You can use the `useQuery` hook to fetch data from multiple sources, and React-Query will automatically handle caching, invalidation, and retries for you.

Here’s an example of how you might handle multiple requests using `useQuery`:

import { useQuery, useQueryClient } from 'react-query';

function MyComponent() {
  const { data: data1, error: error1, isLoading: isLoading1 } = useQuery(
    'data1', // key
    () => fetch('').then(response => response.json())

  const { data: data2, error: error2, isLoading: isLoading2 } = useQuery(
    'data2', // key
    () => fetch('').then(response => response.json())

  const queryClient = useQueryClient();

  return (
{data1 &&

Data 1: {data1}

} {data2 &&

Data 2: {data2}

} {error1 &&

Error 1: {error1.message}

} {error2 &&

Error 2: {error2.message}

); }

As you can see, we’re using the `useQuery` hook to fetch data from two different sources. React-Query will automatically handle caching, invalidation, and retries for us, making it easier to handle multiple requests.

Comparison of useFormState/useActionState and TanStack React-Query

Here’s a summary of the key differences between `useFormState`/`useActionState` and TanStack React-Query:

Feature useFormState/useActionState TanStack React-Query
Request Handling Designed for single requests Handles multiple requests gracefully
Caching No built-in caching Automatic caching and invalidation
Data Invalidation No built-in data invalidation Data invalidation and retry mechanism
Debugging Built-in debugging tools No built-in debugging tools


In conclusion, while `useFormState`/`useActionState` is a simple and lightweight library for managing state and handling requests, it’s not designed to handle multiple requests gracefully. TanStack React-Query, on the other hand, is a more robust library that provides automatic caching, data invalidation, and retry mechanisms out of the box.

If you need to handle multiple requests in your React application, TanStack React-Query is likely a better choice. However, if you’re looking for a simple and lightweight library for managing state and handling single requests, `useFormState`/`useActionState` might be a good fit.

Remember to choose the right tool for the job, and don’t hesitate to reach for TanStack React-Query when you need to handle multiple requests gracefully.

Additional Resources

For more information on `useFormState`/`useActionState`, check out the official documentation:

For more information on TanStack React-Query, check out the official documentation:

Final Thoughts

In the world of React state management and request handling, there are many libraries and hooks to choose from. By understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each, you can make informed decisions about which tools to use in your next project.

Remember to stay curious, keep learning, and happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

When dealing with complex React applications, handling multiple requests can be a real challenge. Let’s dive into how useFormState and useActionState react hooks stack up against TanStack react-query in terms of handling multiple requests.

Do useFormState and useActionState hooks handle multiple requests out of the box?

Unfortunately, useFormState and useActionState hooks don’t handle multiple requests by default. They’re designed to manage form state and action state respectively, but they don’t provide built-in support for concurrent requests.

How do useFormState and useActionState hooks compare to TanStack react-query in terms of request handling?

TanStack react-query is specifically designed to handle concurrent requests, caching, and pagination, making it a more robust solution for managing complex data fetching scenarios. useFormState and useActionState hooks, on the other hand, are meant for form and action state management.

Can I use useFormState and useActionState hooks with TanStack react-query to handle multiple requests?

Yes, you can use useFormState and useActionState hooks alongside TanStack react-query to handle multiple requests. By combining these hooks, you can manage form state and action state while leveraging react-query’s powerful request handling capabilities.

What are some use cases where useFormState and useActionState hooks would be sufficient for handling multiple requests?

If you’re working on a simple form with minimal server interactions, useFormState might be enough. Similarly, useActionState can handle basic action state management for simple use cases. However, as soon as your application requires more complex data fetching or concurrent requests, you may want to consider using TanStack react-query.

Are there any workarounds or libraries that can enhance useFormState and useActionState hooks to handle multiple requests?

While there aren’t any built-in workarounds, you can create custom hooks or utilize libraries like `use-async-effect` or `react-async-hook` to enhance useFormState and useActionState hooks. These libraries provide additional functionality for handling concurrent requests and caching.